Sports Technology
While advanced sports innovations are also facilitated by novel architecture, advanced materials and methods, they derive from a deeper understanding of the individual needs of athletes and related product attributes, including efficiency, aesthetics, ergonomics and sensory perceptions. It is therefore only normal for this recent international publication, Sports Technology, to be inter-and trans-disciplinary and holistic in its approach.
More precisely, the journal aims to create closer ties between industrial and academic science and to strengthen contact between athletes, coaches, engineers, scientists, biomechanists, managers and managers interested in sports and sports technology. Design and production of sports equipment and facilities requires close cooperation with all parties, as well as a strong knowledge of life and sports sciences, economic values and engineering.
For this purpose, Sports Technology publishes papers that are categorized as either science research articles (focusing on the scientific aspects of sports technology research) or technological research and advancement articles (focusing on the commercial product design and development aspects). Sports Technology seeks to provide a common forum for academics from academia and industry from a broad variety of fields to share science and technical findings and methods.