IQ Test: Does Technology Make You Smarter?

Can you imagine not shooting any more videos with your smartphone? In fact, it used to be not that easy.  You needed a camera and supporting technologies such as light, sound and editing equipment. Then you had to hire a film crew, then shoot the film, develop it, and finish it and finally distribute.

Today you do all of this on one end device which is your mobile device, usually your smartphone. Technology relieves you of all of the above steps, it leads you to the expected result, the FILM. Technology has made it possible for you to do more with less knowledge and more dependent on it.

Due to technology, you can have online iq test free anywhere. You don’t have to travel or go to any IQ testing center to do the test.

IQ Test: Specialized knowledge

This trend is not new. Ever since humans started farming, they have given up some of their knowledge in favor of technology. The rapid technological progress in the last few decades has led to more and more specialized knowledge while at the same time being able to do many things depending on technology.

Specialization has both pragmatic and moral consequences. Trained people find work more easily and are better paid than their untrained counterparts.

IQ Test: Digital training helps

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So how can you counteract the unstoppable dependence on technology in everyday life to some extent? You can do this by acquiring digital skills. It is not the technology that determines you, but you use the technology to your advantage. You move from object to subject in the technological and digital process.

Digitization is not wrong. If you don’t practice skills like concentration or self-discipline, you may very well do less well on an intelligence test. A big problem with the internet is the flood of stimuli that distract you from focused thinking.

People who often use multimedia do not get better at multitasking, they even get worse. You have the same brain as Homo sapiens 45,000 years ago. People are not good at multitasking and they can hardly learn it. They are overwhelmed with today’s multitude of stimuli.