Research agency annually shares the ten most important technological developments for the coming year. The focus this year was on people-centric smart spaces, or more simply: on the impact that technological trends have on people and the environment. What are the ten technological trends? and above all: what do they mean for the sports sector?
10 Technological Trends in Sports
Hyper-automation means that technology is used to automate tasks previously performed by humans. It goes one step further by applying advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. The sports world has an abundance of quantifiable elements, making it an ideal playing field.
Virtual Reality is used for sports training, sports coaching, discovering and experiencing new sports. It also finds its way into the rehabilitation sector. In a multi-experience you no longer control the computer, but the world is your computer.
Democratization of expertise
Democratization means that people have easier access to technical or business expertise without having to undergo extensive or expensive training. An important development in the world of science is citizen science , in which citizens actively participate in scientific projects.
Human augmentation
Human augmentation explores how technology can be used in wellness solutions to improve people on a cognitive and / or physical level. Think of the use of wearables and prostheses, but also implants and gene therapy. This entails many ethical implications and challenges.
The rapid development of technology is also creating a crisis of confidence. Consumers are increasingly aware of how their personal data is collected, stored, used.
In sports too, organizations recognize the increasing risk of managing personal data, and governments are enacting legislation to ensure this. In addition, technologies such as Artificial Intelligence are also increasingly used in the sports sector to make decisions without human intervention. Transparency will be essential.
Internet of Things
Internet of Things is a collective name for all objects that are connected via a network. The Internet of Things forms the basis for smart spaces, including smart stadiums. Wearables, smart soles, sensors, etc. are connected to each other so that sports organizations can not only improve their operation, but also better analyze players and increase the fan experience.
The cloud stands for a network that forms a kind of ‘cloud of servers’ with all the servers connected to it. In this way, the user no longer has to own the hardware and software used. Working in the cloud ensures simplified video production and distribution, allowing sports clubs with smaller budgets to experiment with innovative technologies such as online live broadcasting and video-on-demand in sports stadiums.
Autonomous things
Autonomous things are physical devices that use Artificial Intelligence to communicate naturally with their environment to perform tasks normally performed by humans. Today autonomous things mainly function in controlled environments, but they will evolve to function in public spaces as well.
Blockchain is a system used to record data. The best-known implementation is Bitcoin, a form of cryptocurrency. This data can be payment transfers but also title deeds, agreements, personal messages or data.
Security of data
Hyper-automation and autonomous things provide numerous possibilities, but also entail major security risks. Of course, sports clubs do not like to see data and information about their players ending up in the wrong hands. Not only does this give other teams insight into the weaknesses, it also provides them with confidential business information to buy / sell players.
These ten technology trends are of course not isolated from each other. In the future, let us try to combine different trends and thus ensure innovation within the sports sector.