Sport With A Chihuahua: Suitable Sports

As a rule, dog owners cannot complain about too little exercise. But the sport still falls by the wayside for many. The joint physical training promises all sorts of advantages for people and Chihuahua.

Good reasons to do sports together with your Chihuahua

  1. Sport together strengthens the trust between humans and animals.
  2. Sport trains the social behavior of the dog.
  3. With sport, you and your dog will be more balanced. After the training session, you both are satisfied and exhausted.
  4. Sport makes you happy. This also applies to dogs. Sport has a positive effect on the psyche of animals.
  5. Your dog motivates you. If you combine sport together with the daily walk, your dog will help you stay on the ball.

These tips will help you get started in the sport together

  • Take it easy. This gives your dog the opportunity to familiarize itself with sports and equipment.
  • Be patient. Do not put pressure on your animal and introduce it to the new situation in a playful way. Only practice makes perfect.
  • Don’t exercise too long, especially in the beginning. A few minutes are sufficient to get started. Typically, dogs rest 18-20 hours a day.
  • If your dog shows signs of stress, you should stop training.
  • Both sides have to have fun and feel good about playing sports together.


Sports for training together: Jogging & walking

Jogging and dog is often not a good combination. However, going jogging or walking with your four-legged friend works without any problems with many dog ​​breeds. It could be difficult with smaller, short-breathed animals. You should at the most walk with a pug.

As a precaution, have your dog checked out by the vet beforehand and avoid starting to run in the midday heat. Make sure you and your four-legged friend have enough water and preferably choose soft walking surfaces. That protects the joints.

It makes sense to buy an abdominal leash so that you have your hands free when jogging or walking.


Swimming is not only an extremely healthy sport for humans. Dogs can also strengthen their muscles while swimming without straining their joints. Swimming also strengthens the heart and promotes endurance.